A Roojdutta
3 min readDec 18, 2020


Existence, not just mere “Survival”

Existence, though from ages convoluted in itself, managed to reach complacency through its multidimensional tangled connotations. Among its ample polysemous words, we often tend to misinterpret Existence with one’s mere Survival, which ravelled the former into its equivocality, and among its many tenets we find “existence” is implicit in itself. Considered insignificant, we explicit Existence through our mere Survival.

Though, both are poles apart if pondered in depth.

Born into this world we try marking our existence, and throughout life through our various deeds we veil our inner selves in the guise to achieve such, thus eventually aisle down from how we desired to be marked to what we become. How many of us really bother to embark on an odyssey of self-discovery. Our behavioural traits and thus anthropological activities as a whole can be regarded as hues, insomuch as this too demonstrates its heterogeneous shades. Well this is not among those esoteric spiritual vignettes, trust me, which together we will explore!

The whole time, we get to see multiple shades of this race, namely beguiling but vagary, poignant but positive, vagary but benign, positive but slothy, slothy and witty, inter alia.

Are not these combinations making us really ponder of our veracity? These may even persuade us so much that unbeknown to us it does veer our life, leaving its remarks penchant. Our moral resistance notwithstanding, do we really need to become so consumerist? Though it is well accepted, at times we have to sheath our real being with these multifarious emotions, but does that mean we afford to lose our naiveness? It is perfectly alright if we do not go by the societal tenets developed from bigotary beliefs inflicted upon us since our childhood. Here the penultimate crux is how we want to get remembered posthumously, as well as antemortem, thus emphasising on our own call to choose what we perceive as right.

If we choose to abide by these above-mentioned oxymoronic behavioural traits for our survival, then it is on our onus to ponder rather than going through self-condemnation later in life.

A series of beliefs have been put forward over the years, each placing emphasis on a different aspect or representing a different perspective, but this have gone so far as to suggest that we ought to be prudent while choosing what kind of thought or conduct it is we should “cultivate” in our mind? Just like our outer facets mirror our build-up, our construct, so do our thoughts, be it good or bad. We might encounter people coaxing wittyfully in order to gain beneficiaries considered germane at that moment, but the question still remains what if we start cultivating that relentlessly? Hence, cultivation of thought has the potential to turn lives upside down.

That being said, we would also like to note that while many theories discussed here are quite abstract, they do apply to a wide variety of situations in the real world and help understand how we can restrained from becoming what we never like to be, and most importantly never like to see. And this is how we would be recognized. Through this I never intend on hedging our mind; do experience all, but choose the one meant to make you.

Hence, the semiotics of thought cultivation can be addressed through experiencing every aspects we come across but extracting the one built for us, and foster towards our overall upliftment with the help of melioristic and ontological principles.

Ask yourself how would you find you in case happen to meet with the real you?

